Local Transport Plan Consultation
Posted on
February 8, 2021
Warwickshire County Council’s consultation with residents is now live as the Council seeks views of residents and businesses to help refresh the Council’s Local Transport Plan.
The current Local Transport Plan is scheduled to go through until 2026 but is now felt to be outdated due to a number of factors, notably the shift in attitudes towards fighting climate change and the response to Covid-19.
The initial consultation will be categorised into five themes with residents and businesses being invited to give their views around them. These are:
- Environment: How the refreshed plan can encourage and promote sustainable travel
- Economy: How it will provide the infrastructure to attract and retain investment into the county
- Place: How it will help to create an attractive place
- Wellbeing: How the stress of being on the transport network can be alleviated
- Road safety: How road accidents and casualties can be reduced.
Following the consultation and analysis of its findings, Cabinet will be asked to approve the drafting of a revised plan which will also go to consultation before going to the County Council for approval prior to being published in 2022.
The consultation can be found here.
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