Draft Local Plan
Posted on
February 28, 2025
Rugby Borough Council has published its Draft Local Plan2024-2045 (see link below). It will go to the Council Cabinet meeting on 4thMarch and if approved will go out for consultation for an 8-week period.
In terms of Housing, Rugby is required to identify land forcirca 13,000 houses up to 2045. Some 10,000 is provided by Houlton and SW Rugbydevelopments, however 3,000 remains to be fulfilled. RBC do not wish to buildanother new single large development but to distribute these more widely acrossthe borough’s villages and communities. The draft Local Plan details thisincluding sustainability, town centre etc. (see the link below).
Following an earlier call for sites from landowners acrossthe Borough RBC has allocated 3 sites in our village (Circa 150 Dwellings) forthe consultation. These are :
- The Field on Newton Road opposite the allotments (circa 80 dwellings),
- Land north of Lilbourne Road bordering Buckwell lane (circa 60 dwellings)
- Part of the Field next to North Road Allotments (circa 10 dwellings )
( Local Plan has an Annex which details this: Developmentsite allocations which show these in detail, see link below)
It does NOT INCLUDE any further speculative proposals fromlandowners/developers wishing to profit from the call for new housing thatmight come along in the meantime - this is highly likely off the back of such apush for development.
Outside of our Parish, but a major development on ourdoorstep, is a proposal for a new secondary school in North Rugby sited at StThomas Cross (Land to the right of Newton Manor Lane heading towardsBrownsover).
If the plan is approved by Rugby Council, there will be an8-week consultation during which responses can be made. I urge us all to look out for communications from RBC and engage fullyto have our say. A provisional date has been pencilled in for an RBC drop-insession in Clifton at the TMH on 7th April, assuming the plan is passed. Moredetails will follow.
The consultation we are now underway with for the Cliftonupon Dunsmore Neighbourhood plan (re the leaflets and recent publicity) is evenmore important now so that we set our parish plan to advantage Clifton and todirect and inform what is put in place to our benefit. Its also vitallyimportant to do as much as we can to defend us from further speculativedevelopment. Our Neighbourhood plan is a key component of this, and wecan now shape it knowing what we know now.
Andy Moore – Chair, Clifton upon DunsmoreParish Council – the next Clifton Parish Council Meeting is 3rdMarch 7:30pm TMH.
RBC 4th March Meeting Papers ( Item 6 is the Local PlanSummary Report )
RBC 2024-45 Local Plan Draft :
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