Clifton Neighbourhood Watch update – May 2018
Posted on
May 18, 2018

Despite there being no reported crimes in Clifton for two months there have now been several within a couple of weeks. There has been some criminal damage to the tennis courts in the playing field and there have been several cars in the village that have been broken into. These crimes have been reported to the police. If you have any information, no matter how small, that might help the police arrest these criminals please contact the police by calling 101.
You can receive details of crimes in Clifton by joining the police Community Messaging Service. You will receive eMails from the police from time to time to make you aware of crimes in Clifton, details of local scams and fraudulent activity, crime prevention advice etc. To join this service go to;
Please remember the MOBILE POLICE STATION is available for you in Lilbourne Rd; next visits 23rd May and 27th June 2018 from 11.00am to 12.00 noon.
All households in the village are covered by Clifton NHW so there is no need to apply for membership. However, if you would like to know more or take an active part in CliftonNHW please contact Chairman David Glover on 01788 535574
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