Regulation 14 Consultation is now a formal opportunity for the local community to review and comment on this draft and its supporting documents before it is submitted to Rugby Borough Council for independent examination.
Our village and surrounding countryside are under enormous pressure. We cannot stop development but, at a time of great change across our region, a Neighbourhood Plan allows us to say what we want and need from growth. This, then, is your chance to shape where you live and/or work for the better.
You may comment on as much or as little of the draft Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents as you wish.
To do this, first view the draft Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents.
Then let us know what you think by:
- completing the online feedback form (preferred), or
- requesting and returning a paper copy by contacting
The consultation runs from 9am on 24th February 2025 until 2pm on 6th April 2025. You will see plenty of banners, posters and social media reminders to take part, and every household and business in our parishes should receive a leaflet through their letterbox.
Anyone who lives, works or runs a business in the Plan area can participate, plus landowners and organisations with an interest in our area.
Please note that we are unable to accept anonymous comments. This is because, later on, Rugby Borough Council will run a final consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan. By participating in the Regulation 14 Consultation, you consent to Clifton upon Dunsmore Parish Councils legally collecting and sharing your contact details with RBC so it can fulfil its statutory duties.
We process personal data in compliance with Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations. You can read our privacy statement for more details. (Apologies for all the T&Cs, but it’s important that we are transparent.)
All feedback will be read and may result in changes to the next version of the Neighbourhood Plan. Comments will be published as part of its supporting documents. Names will be anonymised, other than where an individual is commenting on behalf of an organisation.
At the very last stage of the Neighbourhood Plan-making journey and once the Plan has passed examination, it will proceed to a community-wide ‘yes/no’ referendum open to the electorate in both parishes.