- To protect the biodiversity of the parish both now and in the future.
- To encourage local people to get involved with ‘hands on’ work parties and activities on the sites.
- To provide and improve access to the sites for the general public, especially local people.
- To participate in local and national surveys in order to provide a record of the biodiversity in the parish, where appropriate.
- To provide opportunities for education through local involvement with schools, youth and other community groups.
Projects in the pipelin
- Newton Road – a potential wild flower bank by the Glebe Allotments
- Funeral Bier Restoration
- St Mary’s Churchyard – Fence Restoration
- Pocket park – clearance of ivy and brambles. (in consultation with Orbit Housing)
- Church Street and Lions Path – clearing back of footpaths
- Half yearly litter pick – November 2016
- Planting 600 Crocus bulbs – donated by Rugby Rotary Club
If you are interested in knowing more about this opportunity to get involved then please contact Lesley Edwards.